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We welcome you to this  4 day class exploring the poetry and practical applications of our interwoven web of the 5 elements behind Chinese medicine 

Deposit 5 ELEMENTS

208,00 €Prix
  • Cancellation Policy

    • Cancellations before June 1st:
      Cancellations made before June 1st will be fully refunded, except for the €208 deposit, which remains non-refundable.

    • Cancellations after June 1st:
      Any cancellation made after June 1st will result in no refund, regardless of the reason.

    • Non-refundable deposit:
      The €208 deposit is strictly non-refundable, regardless of the time frame or reason for the cancellation.

    • Responsibility for cancellations:
      It is the client’s responsibility to inform us of any cancellations within the time frames outlined above.

    • Exceptional circumstances:
      No exceptions to this policy will be granted unless in cases of recognized force majeure, and only with appropriate supporting documents.

 BLANCHE - Massage & Yoga  CHAmonix

 74400, Chamonix

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Toute ma reconnaissance infinie pour mes nombreux enseignants sur ce chemin de vie sacré.

Eternelle reconnaissance envers Sa sainteté le Dalai lama, Swami Buddhi Prakash, Sahajananda, Gwyn Williams , Don Luis et tous les autres précieux maitres spirituel pour leurs transmissions au delà des gestes .

Copyright © 2009-2016 by sikhao Massage & Yoga school All rights reserved.

Mentions Légales

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